Select the product you want to work with or find the most important information about the product displayed to the left of the product image.
A) Select product

B) Product information (status of the product)

The description of the product information:
- product title
- Product status (red= “in progress” this product cannot be published, yellow= “preview the product can only be sent to selected “beta users”, green=”published” the product can be published and is accessible to all authorized users)
- Unique product ID Name this ID with every support request. This number is unique in the entire Audiocontsystem and therefore there can be no confusion.
- Visibility status: Indicates whether the product is visible in the shop for everyone, or only for employees of a certain company or not at all in the shop is visible.
- Access Restriction: Indicates whether this product can only be downloaded and listened to by employees of a particular company.
- Access Restriction: Indicates whether this product can only be downloaded and listened to by employees of a particular company.