Download Audiocont App for iOS and Android

Install the free Audiocont app  on your iOS or Android smartphone. With just one click you can enjoy many advantages of the innovative media player!

Audiocont icon logo button with frame

Download from the Apple App Store:


Download from the Android Playstore:


In your app, you can already download free hearing magazines. After downloading, you can listen to your magazines immediately. Explore the helpful features of the app. We recommend that you listen to the instructions for your operating system immediately after installation. In just 6 minutes, you’ll know how to use Audiocont’s app most effectively.

Note: Not all magazines use all app features. Unused functions are deactivated.

Access for companies

If you also use Audiocont in your company, you will receive access data with which you can connect your private account with your business account.

With only one click, you secure your personal knowledge advantage and enjoy the new time gain.

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